坐落在洛蒙德湖和特羅薩克斯山國家公園的洛恩湖畔,距格拉斯哥,愛丁堡和珀斯只有一個小時的車程。 Achray House是一間帶客房的餐廳,是Lochview餐廳的所在地。我們有9間伴隨的臥室和1間自助式小屋,我們的主要重點是提供真正的蘇格蘭款待。
名字Achray House的確切由來是未知的。建於1800年代後期,是一棟古老的鄉村房屋,曾是維多利亞女王時代的稱號的``維多利亞小屋'',當它經過聖菲安斯前往高地時對其進行了評論。但不久之後,它變成了“ Achray House”。這張照片可以追溯到1895年,當時重建了主要部分。在1900年代,Achray House成為旅館,後來成為旅館。一位最近的客人回憶起數十年前在Achray House度假的一段較早的戀情,從克里夫(Crieff)帶著他們心愛的母牛一路走來!
原始建築在1990年代進行了擴建,增加了一個側翼,溫室和小屋。在過去的兩年中,我們對房間,公共區域和小屋進行了現代化改造,但保留了原始特徵和鄉村莊園風格,同時強調了現代舒適感。 Loch Earn繼續成為Achray House魅力的神奇成分之一。
讓Achray House成為蘇格蘭的頂級美食勝地之一。我們的夢想是通過生產優質食品來吸引來自全國各地的人們。我們在Achray House提供了一個非常簡單的食譜:抵達後熱情熱情地歡迎您,使用盡可能新鮮的食材,並由我們每個團隊成員發自內心的熱情,在您結束住宿時會熟悉他們的名字。

St Fillans高爾夫俱樂部位於珀斯高地的心臟地帶,步行即可到達阿奇雷。 橫跨埃恩河的是九洞河道。
電話:01764 685312

從他們在Crieff社區的心臟出發,他們對傳統有著真正的崇敬。 儘管其餘的威士忌世界已經脫離了傳統的手工製糖和製糖工藝,成為製酒過程的重要組成部分,但它們仍保持並延續了這兩種傳統。 在Glenturret,他們的進步理念是堅持蘇格蘭最古老的釀酒廠一直做的最好的事情,使蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌成為傳統方式。
電話:01764 656565

探索這座位於杜恩(Doune)的14世紀庭院城堡,那裡有醒目的100英尺高的警衛室和蘇格蘭保存最完好的大廳之一。 建造為“蘇格蘭無冕之王”攝政王奧爾巴尼的住所。 在中世紀庭院城堡的建築中可以清楚地看到他的豐富品味。 除了在《蒙蒂蟒蛇》和《聖杯》中大放異彩外,杜恩城堡還曾在屢獲殊榮的電視連續劇《權力的遊戲》和歐藍德的城堡里克的飛行員中被用作溫特費爾城堡。

尼斯湖水上運動中心是位於尼斯湖南側的一顆隱藏寶石。 在LWC,他們的套餐提供了一系列激動人心的水上運動,從划槳板和皮划艇租用到私人的Waterski和Wakeboard課程。 如果您正在尋找家人/朋友的活動,公司活動日甚至是單身派對/聚會日,他們可以保證在您的臉上露出微笑。

從阿克雷(Achray)可以到達許多低層的步行道,村莊後面新建的自行車道提供自行車道或風景優美的步行道,距科姆裡(東部)或洛謝恩黑德(西部)約10公里。 其他步行道包括:河濱步行道(2公里),南洛恩(South Loch Earn)步行道(3公里),穿越舊教堂和墓地遺址的鄧菲潘山(5.5公里),Glen Goinean Intake Dam步行道(5.5。km),老莫雷爾村(Old Morell Village) 廢墟(4公里),Scree步行(2.6公里-攀登至約140 m)。
對於冒險活動來說,距離我們村一小時的車程約有50個芒羅斯(超過1000 m的山脈)。 克里夫(Crieff)北部的本·欽齊(Ben Chonzie),可從西部的鐵軌進入。 Ben Lawyers提供了幾個Munros,它們沿Loy Tay北岸相連。 Schiehallion受歡迎且交通便利,並享有壯觀的景色。

奧欣加里奇野生動物中心為每個人提供了很多動物供您觀賞,發現的地方,可以做的事情以及許多兒童遊樂的遊樂區! 從小袋鼠,貓鼬和狐猴到本地馬鹿和蘇格蘭野貓,有40多種動物。 帶有嬰兒和小型動物區的孵化場在整個春季和夏季都提供動物處理以及雛雞,鵪鶉和小鴨的日常孵化。 在夏季,這裡設有一個室內軟體遊戲區,冒險遊戲穀倉,戶外遊戲公園,狐狸和小馬游樂設施。 這裡有各種散步,家庭漁業,2個禮品店和山景咖啡廳。

Cultybraggan營地位於風景如畫的Comrie村外一英里處,坐落在崎A不平的Aberuchill Hills下和Ruchill水旁。 無論您是對第二次世界大戰戰俘營的起源感興趣,還是想回想一下您在軍隊或作為學員的住所,或者您只想了解信託基金會和當地社區的生活方式 使用和開發該營地,您可以在此處找到更多信息。

德拉蒙德城堡花園(Drummond Castle Gardens)是歐洲和蘇格蘭最重要和令人印象深刻的正式花園之一。 它位於克里夫附近的珀斯郡,其歷史可以追溯到17世紀。 花園在19世紀經過重新設計和露台。 您今天所看到的正式花園是在1950年代重新種植的,但保留了許多原始特徵,古老的紫杉籬笆和維多利亞女王為紀念她在1842年的到來而種植的山毛櫸樹。在許多電影,電視節目中均設有花園 和廣告,其中最著名的是美國聯合藝術家電影《羅伯·羅伊》和《星際迷航》系列。

Deanston Distillery
Deanston Distillery is a Single Malt Scotch whisky distillery located on the banks of the River Teith, eight miles from the historic town of Stirling. Having been a cotton mill for 180 years, Deanston was transformed into a distillery in the 1960's and has been distilling whisky using traditional methods ever since.

Stirling Gin & Distillery
Stirling Gin & Distillery's first batch of gin was distilled on the 28th October 2015 and Stirling Distillery opened in Summer 2019. It is the first gin distillery in the beautiful city of Stirling and Stirling Gin are proud to use local ingredients to create their outstanding Scottish spirits.

McQueen Gin's Distillery
The McQueen Gin’s Trossachs Distillery, is a must-visit location if you’re spending some time in and around the Trossachs National Park area. Having launched in 2016, McQueen Gin has seen incredible levels of growth in its still young life as a brand, resulting in the opening of the brand-new McQueen Gin distillery on location at the foot of Ben Ledi in 2019.

Crieff Golf Club
Crieff Golf Club is rated as one of Scotland’s top inland courses. Surrounded by beautiful countryside, at the heart of golfing Perthshire, it provides a feeling of escape as well as spectacular views. Built on gently sloping parkland, once the grounds of Ferntower House, the courses provide a fair, but challenging experience for all levels of golfer. Excellent playing conditions and friendly reception to visitors led to the club being voted as one of the top UK golf courses by readers of Golf World magazine.
Telephone 01764 652909

Action Glen
Action Glen is in the middle of the Strathearn Valley, in Crieff – just one hour from Glasgow and Edinburgh. It is a 900 acre estate – complete with a golf course, offroad sand and gravel quarry, treetop ropes course and more! Perfect if you're joining us at Achray House for a corporate retreat, we can arrange transport straight there for some outdoor fun.

Top 10 Nearby Walks
Top 10 walks within 1 hour of Achray.
All tried & tested by Laura, one of our Owners. Laura is available to take guests out for an additional fee & subject to T&C’s.
1. Ben Vorlich (985m) - The closest Munro to Achray.
Can be done alone as a beginner’s hike or can be combined with Stuc a Chroin for a more adventurous day out (which includes some mild scrambling & a head for heights in parts).
Ben Vorlich itself has a great path up and back down and is navigationally easy. Great views particularly on the return! Good level of fitness required as this is a munro. 10 minutes drive from Achray House.
2. Deil’s Cauldron Comrie + 2 optional extensions
The basic walk from Comrie to the Deil’s Cauldron Waterfall & then the Melville monument for the spectacular views is a nice morning or afternoon out. It is well marked and up to the waterfall is quite moderate, with the climb to the monument getting the heart racing! If you want a longer day out there are 2 possible add ons. At the T junction from at the Maam Road you can go left and follow the landrover path and keep following signs for Comrie which will take you back to the car. This makes for a 3-4 hour walk. Alternatively follow the main route to the right and then head towards Milton burn and through the woods back to Comrie. Also a 3-4 hour walk. Start point just 7 minutes drive from Achray House.
3. Beinn Each (813m) - a corbett close to Achray House.
Quite a steep ascent & descent but well paved and sign posted. Good level of fitness required. For the much more adventurous this can be combined with Stuc a Chroin, however the descent is quite rough and steep. Good navigation would also be required.
4. Buchaille Etive Beag - Glencoe.
Just over an hour from Achray House. These 2 Munros are really accessible. Park the car & hit the trail. It is a pretty steep start and is not the easiest day out but the scenery is spectacular and you really feel that you are in the highlands! Good fitness and gear required as the weather can be pretty changeable.
5. The Birks o’ Aberfeldy (and beyond!).
1 hour drive from Achray House - and what a lovely drive it is! The 1 - 2 hour walk of the birks alone is lovely and moderate to easy going. Particularly lovely in the autumn. To make a bigger day of it you can try the 22km loop which takes in the falls too. https://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/perthshire/aberfeldy-kenmore.shtml
https://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/perthshire/birks-of-aberfeldy.shtml (standard route.)
6. Glentarken from St Fillans +/- 15km 3.5 - 4 hours.
This is a walk straight from Achray House. It is quite long but not too strenuous. There is one river crossing which can be tricky if there has been a lot of rain, but is usually OK.
The walk takes you up the zig zags from right behind the hotel and in no time you are up in what feels pretty wild and away from it all. You will pass through the old village and some nice woodland area on the way back and also take in the breathtaking views of Loch Earn. This is the basic walk, which you can add on to. https://www.stfillanscc.org.uk/ckfinder/userfiles/files/Old%20Village%20Ruins%20-%20Morell%20text%202021%20v2.pdf
7. Ben Lawers & Beinn Ghlass - a classic double munro day out.
35 minutes drive from Achray House. Good parking but can get busy on bank holidays and particularly nice days due to the accessibility and the fact that Ben Lawers is the 10th highest munro.
The path is very easy to follow and it is a moderate to challenging climb fitness wise
https://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/perthshire/ben-lawers.shtml. Killing is a nice wee stop on the way back for a drink and some photos at the Falls of Dochart. 4 - 5 hours.
8. Torlum Hill, Crieff - 13km walk
Starting from Auchingarrach Wildlife Farm which is about 15 minutes drive from Achray House. It is an easy to moderate walk on good paths with some lovely panoramic views of Crieff, Ben Vorlich and the Strathearn countryside.
The walk is about 3 hours. A nice afternoon out and perfect walk with the dog.
9. Coming soon
10. Coming soon