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Propietari i amfitrió | Laura Muirhead
Laura va créixer passant temps als pubs dels seus avis a Burntisland i amb la seva mare que acollia estudiants cada estiu i tenia un petit allotjament a Edimburg. Després de 20 anys vivint i treballant a Tòquio, Amsterdam i Londres en diverses carreres, va tornar a Escòcia el 2019 per realitzar un somni i alguna cosa que es troba a la sang. Al gust de menjar, li apassiona veure el dia en què Achray House es converteix en una destinació de turisme alimentari, celebrant tots els grans ingredients a la porta de Perthshire.
Head Chef | David Racz
David came to Scotland 10 years ago and has worked his way through the ranks of the kitchen. While working as a kitchen porter, he developed a keen interest in cooking and over the years has worked in a variety kitchens most notably The Ducks Inn, Martin Wishart & Chez Roux at Greywalls. He joined Achray House in October 2020 and became Head Chef in February 2022. Classic French cookery is at the heart of his dishes, always with the best seasonal produce available.
We are always on the look out for enthusiastic, motivated new members to join the team, both in the kitchen & Front of House.
If you are interested in working with us at Achray House, please take a moment to send us your CV and covering letter to: